Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Psychology)

In Germany, psychiatrists regarded OCD as a disorder of intellect. The German word for â€Å"obsession† is Zwangsvorstellung and was translated as â€Å"obsession† in Great Britain and â€Å"compulsion† in the United States. The term â€Å"obsessive-compulsive disorder† became the compromise term. Over time, the way people view O. C. D. has changed. For example, in the seventeenth century people who suffer from obsessions and compulsions were thought to be religious fanatics or melancholic (Frankel, 2011). It wasn't until the European Renaissance that people first began relinquishing the belief that mental illnesses like OCD were caused by devil or other supernatural forces. Based on this reasoning, treatment involved banishing the â€Å"evil† from the â€Å"possessed† person through exorcism (steward, 2009). OCD can happen to anyone. You could be rich or poor/ black or white. It has happened to people such as Martin Luther (1483-1546) the most important leader of the protestant of reformation in Europe. John Bunyan (1628-1688) the writer and preacher that is famous for his writing Pilgrim's Progress. Dr. Samual Johnson (1709-1784) wrote the first dictionary in the English language. Many people often wonder what causes OCD. Experts don't know what exactly caused OCD, but they suggest that it may be a problem in the way one part of the brain sends information to another. (Peterson, 2001). When your brain doesn't have enough of serotonin (a brain chemical) it causes problems. Experts also believe that problem related to infections, such as: strip throat or scarlet fever can cause or make the disorder worse. Brain scans of people with OCD have shown that they have different patterns of brain activity (Price, 2007). Some cases may even be genetic. OCD isn't caused by family problems or attitudes, but genetics, or stressful events may trigger an episode of the disorder. The symptoms of OCD vary it can be mild to severe and even come and go. The most common symptom of OCD is Anxiety. For example, you feel a sense that something bad is going to happen if a task is left undone, such as check again and again to see whether the flat iron is on. If you fail to check you feel tense or anxious. Obsession symptoms are unwanted thoughts, ideas, and impulses that you have again and again. For example, a fear to hurt yourself or a love one, need to do something perfectly or correctly and a fear of getting dirty or infected (Malik, 2008). Compulsion symptoms are behaviors that you repeat to try to control the obsession. For example: washing, checking, counting, repeating, hoarding and praying. The most common compulsion is washing and checking. Doctors check for OCD by asking about your symptoms and your health past. A physical exam is given to the patient. Mental health assessments are given as well, it is an evaluation of your emotional functioning and your ability to think, reason, and remember. People with OCD live with the condition for years before being diagnosed (Wilkins, 2000). Some people go without treatment because they are embarrassed to talk about their symptoms (Ego). Conditions that co- exist with OCD is Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders (Depression and Bipolar Disorder), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Eating Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders. There are three main questions that a doctor will ask to decide rather you have OCD or not â€Å"Do you have repeated thoughts that cause anxiety and that you cannot get rid of no matter how hard you try? , Do you wash your hands frequently or keep things extremely clean and neat? Do you excessively check things? (Weinstock, 2010). † Also to be diagnosed, the obsessions or compulsions must be time-consuming to the point where it interferes with your daily life. The earlier it is detected the better because there are proper treatments that can improve OCD (Romito, 2007). Treatment for OCD is good, about 50% of patients improve and about 10% recover completely (Abramowitz, 2009). Only 10% get worse in spite of therapy (Abramowitz, 2009). The four R’s you should keep in mind when trying to overcome OCD relabel, reattribute, refocus, and revalue (Segal, 2012). Relabel is Recognize that the intrusive obsessive thoughts and urges are the result of OCD. Reattribute is to Realize that the intensity and intrusiveness of the thought or urge is caused by OCD; remind you that OCD thoughts and urges are not meaningful, but are false messages from the brain. Refocus is when you find ways to work around the OCD thoughts by focusing your attention on something else, at least for a few minutes. Revalue is the key to not take the OCD thought at face value. It is not significant in itself. There are Medication that a doctor can prescribe to you depending on the severity of your symptoms they are known as Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) â€Å"antidepressants† they include Prozac, Luvox & Zoloft (Sadock, 2007). It can take up to twelve weeks before the medicine to take effect after prescribed. Consistency is important for both counseling and medicines. People who don't take their medicines regularly or stop often have their symptoms return (relapse). With therapy, it is important to work with your doctor to find out when, or if, you should stop. Counseling is available as well; cognitive-behavioral therapy called exposure and response prevention is considered the most effective type of counseling for OCD. Your relationship with your therapist is very important. Finding someone who is right for you is critical to your success in overcoming OCD. The therapist for exposure and response prevention counseling would require you to write down all of your obsessions, compulsions, and things you avoid. Doing this you will then rank each of them from highest to lowest. Throughout the sessions you will be exposed to your obsessions, compulsions, and things you avoid in order to help overcome the faulty beliefs (Lewin, 2011). There are home treatments that you can use to reduce overall stress. For example, taking deep breathes, soaking in a warm bath, listening to smooth music, exercise, yoga, etc. In rare cases surgery can be done. Which uses surgically implanted electrodes in the brain, and magnetic stimulation of parts of the brain are done for severe OCD. Deep brain- stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation are possible surgical options that do not require destruction of brain tissue. In one study, 30% of participants benefited significantly from this procedure (Roth, 2010). The procedure only can be performed in a hospital with specialist qualifications. This is done only when you aren't responding to any other treatment or procedure (Williams, 2010). OCD is usually confused with two things Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) and an addiction. OCD is ego dystonic, meaning that the disorder is incompatible with the sufferer’s self- concept. While OCPD is ego syntonic, it is the behaviors, values, feelings, which are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and goals of the ego, or consistent with one's ideal self-image (Morse, 1998). Addiction can be explained as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. OCD is different from behaviors such gambling and overeating ddiction. People with these disorders typically experience at least some pleasure from their activity. OCD sufferers do not actively want to perform their compulsive tasks and experience no pleasure from doing so (Marlatt, 2008). Therefore, OCD is a long- term condition that can be improved over years of medication and/or therapy. In the United States, about 1 in 40 adults and 1 in 100 children have OCD. According to the World Health Organization, OCD is one of the top 20 causes of illness-related disability, worldwide, for individuals between 15 and 44 years of age (Smith, 2012).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Are Gap Years a Good Idea? Essay

When you think about graduating high school, it is almost ingrained in your brain that college is the next step. You think, â€Å"Who doesn’t have a college degree?† And where in life am I going to get without one. But school is not for everybody. A lot of kids, including me, just go to college because it seems like the right path. Kids who have no idea what they want to do, think â€Å"well a college degree could be useful,† well why would you want to go do something, when you have no idea why you’re even doing it. Well, there may be another option. There is a British tradition, which is called a gap year. Defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online as â€Å"a year between leaving school and starting university which is usually spent travelling or working† (Cambridge University 1). Now this sounds interesting, doesn’t it? What if you had a whole year to do what you needed, travel or work, something to help you figure out what you really want to do with your life. In Britain, there is now this option. With this idea in your head a question comes to mind, should the U.S. adopt the British tradition of students taking a gap year? In the paragraphs below, I will tell you why I think the U.S. should. I have looked at both sides of whether or not the U.S. should adopt this British tradition. I have found though, that it is working tremendously for the UK. That is the main reason I think that the U.S. should use this idea, if it is working so great for the UK and their colleges have a better reputation maybe we should also think about adopting this idea. I think students should take a gap year for many other reasons also though, which have to do with the student. First and foremost, it offers a great worldly experience and gives students time to do what they need to do. It also gives those students who have no clue what they would like to major in or do after college, time. Time is what many students need, being rushed into college right after high school and having to do college applications during senior year really stresses some students out. Me being one of these students, last year when applying to colleges, I had to write that I was undecided. And here we are midway through my first semester of college, and I am still undecided and have absolutely no clue what I want to do. And I feel like a lot of students are in the unspoken situation I was in. Maybe if gap years were a more widely accepted idea and promoted then students who didn’t quite know what to do would have another option. Anybody can do gap years also! It is not just used for young students. Older people going back to school, have this option also. And no matter the money situation there are so many options, so no matter what if you wanted to travel you could. There are student travel abroad programs, volunteer and scholarship options. No matter if you have money or not, you can get a great worldly experience that will give you time and extra skills which most students will not have in college. Many people think taking a year off of school is dangerou s. Not dangerous in a physical way, but mentally. An opinion of many who are asked about gap years is that students will not return to school once they have had the freedom of no school for a year. It is believed that students will become mentally lazy, and will not want to work again and realize that they really do not have to go back. But in researching this, I have found that kids who take gap years to do progressive things have loved their decisions and come back ready to learn again. On the infamous website, many students tell about their experiences with gap years and how it really helped them become motivated again. Even though people think kids will not go back to school, I think it’s better for someone to take a break then go to college when they are not ready. Studies show that â€Å"the dropout rate for incoming college freshman is almost 30%† (NCES 1). Most freshmen who are not equipped to handle college yet or who are not ready, but do it anyways, just end up dropping out. A Student dropping out provides lower statistics for good colleges, not because the college is doing a bad job but because kids just are not ready. Why should a person go to college when they are just not ready for it? If the dropout rate is high why not let a student defer their application until they are ready? This is how the British gap year works, a student applies to colleges their senior year of high school, like a normal fall applicant would. Once accepted, the student then defers their application and the university gives them an amount of time off. When this time is over, they start in the next semester. Most British colleges offer this to students, and a lot of colleges actually encourage it to students who think they are not ready to handle the college life. I think the U.S. should do this to, only because it is working so well in Britain. The gap ye ar is proven to be a helpful and great experience for students. If it wasn’t why would universities encourage it? Students come back from these trips or years off with a new found want to learn and a refreshed mind. After going to school for four year, it is definitely hard to be excited to do the same thing for another four years. But with a gap year, you’re doing something else for a year, so when you come back you are in learning mode. Another argument someone who is against gap years may make is that they are expensive, especially if you are looking to travel. This is completely wrong though! Travelling is only one option, you can choose to just live at home and work, or focus on something else! You do not have to spend money to take a gap year. But there is always that option too! Many students want to take a gap year, but have no savings or money to do so. No problem! British universities offer thousands of travelling options, such as scholarships, and study abroad programs. Scholarships can help you get started and make it mu ch cheaper. And study abroad programs are too, they help students get more for their money. And the study abroad option also helps them still be a part of the university they would like to attend! So you’re not fully out of school, you’re just off the main campus for a little while. Also there are volunteer options, where you can spend a little bit of your time volunteering but get to go somewhere for free or for a small fee! So there are many options for students who are not well off with money, which we know in this economy is a lot of us, so why not do it? You must wonder truly how popular gap years are in the UK. Well I found statistics on a website called A non-biased website towards gap years, this website is geared towards students who are looking to take gap years. It gives basic statistics and even research on gap years into how helpful and beneficial they are for students. According to UCAS Figures, the ‘students take a gap year’ rate per year is about 7%, and has stayed close to around 7% since 2002 until around 2011. But this year had a surprising, 37% reduction rate in the amount of students taking a gap year. You may ask why this year had a reduction rate. Nobody is really sure why, but a study called â€Å"Revision of Gap Year Provision† report commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills could only talk good things about gap years. This report was carried out by Dr. Andrew Jones from Birkbeck, University of London, to talk about if he thought gap years were hurting or beneficial to students. All he says in this report is that it is beneficial to students to take gap years, finding that â€Å"Planned and well-structured gap years are a highly beneficial experience for young people. They are often important factors in facilitating the next step in education or employment. Participants gain a wide range of life skills and other more specialized skills. These skills are often the ones employers identify as lacking in new recruits and are valued by universities. Gap year participation also benefits wider society both in terms of the activities young people undertake and the wider impact of facilitating the integration of young people into society as functioning citizens† (Jones 1). This is amazing. A professional does a study and finds only good things about students taking gap years. He also found that in the UK â€Å"between 200,000 and 250,000 young people aged 16-25 are estimated to take a gap year of some kind each year† (Jones 1). This number is huge and has only gone up since the earlier 2000’s. I think with only good things to say about gap years, what is the hurt in taking one? So I’m sure most students think, what’s the point? But if you really think about it, everyone has somewhere they would like to travel to eventually. So take this time to travel there. Almost every student story I read online from a student’s perspective, said that taking the gap year was one of the smartest things they have ever done. And on top of that, that it was one of the best experiences of their life. I’m sure as soon as you would mention taking a year off of school to your parents, is as soon as you would jump off a bridge, this is the same for me. My parents believe college is a necessity and would give me some crazy look if I had even mentioned taking a year off of school last year. But I do regret not even mentioning it. As of now, it’s taking me some time to get used to college. I have adapted pretty well, but I definitely think a student like me who has no idea what they want to major in or do outside of college, a gap year would have been a good learning experience for me. I didn’t have a chance to do this, but you do. With so many programs you barely have to pay any money to experience a whole new culture and part of the world. You can experience hands on activity and travel at the same time with volunteering. And you could even stay home, but don’t be lazy, take an internship, get a job, do something productive. It gives you time and options to think about what you would like to do when you grow up, and gives you time to set a financial ground for yourself before going into college. Students come back with worldly experiences and things many people have never seen before, which gives them a leg up in college. If there is only good to say about it, then why not?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Scholarship Essay Example The most valuable thing I learned during the first year of my study is that practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, I did not success much during the first year, but, as we know: â€Å"you must spoil before you spin†. I feel myself a wonderer on the background of knowledge horizon that was opened to me by my teachers, that is why it is too hard for me to choose my major. Nevertheless, I hope that my long-term considerations would bear fruits to my future deliberate choice of specialization. I am sure that I will succeed and I am ready to work hard. In my life I am following the next principle: it is necessary to get at the root. Thus, the fact that I chose Solbridge International School of Business and Master’s Degree in MBA is very important for me. Business Administration is a filed of my future practicing. I am making my choice gradually, focusing on the most important facts and moving to the least ones. I hope, there are many members of committee, who would restore in their memories their student years and agree with me that it is not so easy to choose one’s major. We make this choice once and for life. Of course, there are people who cannot find themselves during all their lives, but I have used to make well-considered decision in order to hit the mark. My dear Alma Mater, my appreciation of you has no limits! Please, do not be too severe with your child. We love our children both for their ups and downs and my failure during the first year does not mean that I am a bad student. It means that I could not react properly at once and did not appreciate my scholarship. I just took it for granted. Now I see that my scholarship is your trust and your hope for me. I promise I will not let you down, Solbridge International School of Business, Sweet Solbridge International School of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MANAGEMENT FOR CLINICIANS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MANAGEMENT FOR CLINICIANS - Essay Example asks that the healthcare industry re-align itself in such a way as to provide a team that is multi-disciplinary and works together for the good of the patient, that care become more patient centered, and an effort to determine how to use clinical support staff in such a way as to reduce the pressure on the healthcare professionals that are already overwhelmed (Garling report, 2008). This paper will discuss recommendations made by the commission and how shared patient centered care teams can provide much needed care. The patient provider relationship has been changing for some time and with new initiatives will continue to change. Today healthcare is electronic and highly regulated and healthcare workers are faced with increased amounts of accountability in their practice. Consumers are more interested in becoming part of their own healthcare and are reasonably able to contribute when that option is available (Smith, & Barefiled, 2007),. The shortage of professionals in healthcare is not expected to get better anytime soon and may, in fact, get worse. Every possibility of expanding the methods we presently use in supporting those professionals becomes important. This is the time for true patient centered care. This is a growing trend and empowers healthcare consumers and their families with the adaption of patient centered initiatives. Caring Together has determined to create a focus on the patient. In doing that, they have set a goal to make healthcare more efficient as well as more sustainable. They have clearly stated that â€Å"everything must be about the patient.† (Caring Together, pg. 5). This has not been true in the last few years as the amount of paperwork grows and the supervision of support staff has waned. Now, however, is the time to move forward and solve these problems for the betterment of patient care. According to Smith and Barefield (2007), there are seven aspects of patient centered care. Those include, respect for patient’s values,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

First econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

First econ - Essay Example The term opportunity cost in the study of economics is used to refer to the cost associated with the next best option given up (Siebert 163). This means that while making a decision of whether to buy or consumer product A or product B, individuals end up facing a cost when they give up the benefits that they may have gained from consuming product A if they had forgone product A and consumed product B. These costs can include both monetary as well as psychological costs. I experience the application of opportunity cost in my daily life when I have to choose between two things at the same time. For example: I face the issue of opportunity cost when I have to select between studies and my favorite sports of cricket. If I study I face the cost of enjoying the most favorite sport in my life and the physical and health benefits that I may derive from playing sports. On the other hand if I play sports, I give up the benefits of scoring high grades at my educational institute and even may en d up failing which will result in monetary losses. The concept of demand and supply in the study of economics state that when the price for a particular good as well as service is high, it is most likely less in demand and when the price of a particular good or service is high it is most likely more in supply and vice-versa. I have experienced the application of the concept of demand and supply in relation to my hobby of playing cricket. When the prices of cricket bats are on the lower side I am most likely going to buy them but when I go to buy them there are very few bats that may seem attractive, while when the prices are higher I see more and more cricket bats on the shelves and they attract me a lot but I fail to purchase them since they are highly prices. Various economic concepts apply to our daily lives. The concept of opportunity cost is applied in my life when I have to select between studying and

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Effect of Democracy on FDI (Foreign Direct Investmant) Term Paper

The Effect of Democracy on FDI (Foreign Direct Investmant) - Term Paper Example There are a number of concerns that are made when considering the effects of democracy on foreign direct investment. Theoretical perspectives have consistently linked foreign direct investment to government policy. The pervading logic behind these investments is not a matter of great complexity. In these regards, investors have been understood to remain more apt to invest long-term companies and corporate interests based on the host country’s ability to create policy measures that are most conducive to such investment. The complexity emerges as theorists attempt to determine the appropriate government climate for such investments. Currently the United States receives the most foreign direct investments, leading economists to prominently link FDI to the democratic governmental structure (‘greyhill’). Within the confines of the democratic political structure there are a number of specific policy considerations that have been established. One of the most prominent th eoretical perspectives on this matter is that foreign direct investment is directly responsive to changing economic situations. Jensen notes, â€Å"Elected politicians can no longer manipulate monetary policy, but monetary policy does remain responsive to changing economic conditions† (Jensen, pg. 2). In this context of understanding, the nature of the democratic election process itself does not necessarily benefit foreign direct investment, but creates a governmental structure that is highly conducive to developing policies that aid FDI. The main notion is that the encouragement of foreign direct investment must be accomplished in a dynamic context and that the democratic governmental structure is most conducive to this dynamism. In addition to the importance of a dynamic government policy to foreign direct investment, there is a number of other of elements positive linking democracy to FDI in terms of stability. In these regards, pervasive notions of democratic governments having more stability are one of the primary contributors to an increase in FDI (Jensen). While such perspectives on the democratic political structure have been proven erroneous in specific contexts, one considers the current economic fallout in Greece as a primary example; it is oftentimes the perception that drives the reality. Another predominant link between democracy and FDI in terms of stability occurs as a result of the democratic process of checks and balances. Jensen notes, â€Å"The institutional checks and balances associated with democratic systems decrease the likelihood of policy reversal, providing multinationals with a de facto commitment to policy stability† (Jensen, pg. 4). With the stability afforded by these checks and balances, corporations are able to more accurately forecast future returns. Ultimately, it is this stability that greatly While there are considerable arguments for the linkage of democracy to foreign direct investment, counter-arguments ex ist to this proposition. The main notion is that the nature of governmental policy and foreign direct investment is not as multi-varied as some would contest. This perspective contends that the overwhelming link between foreign investments in a host country is the level of taxation. Jensen notes, â€Å"Conventional wisdom holds that nations woo multinationals by

War on Terrorism Or The Defense of Modernism Essay

War on Terrorism Or The Defense of Modernism - Essay Example It is a war in defense of our way of life against enemies who oppose that way of life, and who oppose it from common cultural and religious motives. Whatever specific aims, hopes, and delusions the al-Qaeda hijackers may have had, they could not have succeeded, they could not have drawn so many recruits, raised so much money, and found support and sanctuary, unless their motivations appealed to a wide group of people. The war on terrorism is unlike the Cold War; the battle lines are not drawn in ideologically explicit terms. Had we asked in the 1950s, "Why do the communists hate us What are they after" the answers would have been clear: Their Marxist ideology of socialism, dictatorship, and world conquest calls for the elimination of our free capitalist system, and endorses the use of any means to achieve that end. It's all spelled out in The Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital, and an endless stream of Communist Party propaganda. The motivations of the 9/11 hijackers in particular, and of al-Qaeda in general, are not as transparent. They are complex and at times contradictory, rooted as they are within a highly complex history that reflects as many conflicts within Islam as it does between Islam and the West. It is now commonly known that the September 11th terrorists were members of Bin Laden's worldwide al-Qaeda organization. This is an extensive network of terrorist groups such as Egypt's al-Jihad, which was responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981 and the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and among others. This organization represents the violent extreme of a fundamentalist movement that has been gaining ground among Muslims since the 1970s. While the goals of the movement are fairly clear, it should be noted that they reflect the opinions of a majority of Muslims about as much as David Koresh and his followers reflected the views of the average Christian. One goal is to drive the Western powers out of the Middle East, removing Western military, economic, and cultural presence from the region. Bin Laden's three immediate demands, repeated in virtually every statement, are 1. To stop American support for Israel. 2. Lift sanctions against Iraq. 3. Remove American troops from Saudi Arabia. A second goal is to unify the Islamic world and rally it in opposition to the West. "This war is fundamentally religious," bin Laden said last November, in one of his statements broadcast by al-Jazeera TV. "The people of the East are Muslims. They sympathized with Muslims against the people of the West, who are the crusaders. Under no circumstances should we forget this enmity between us and the infidels. For, the enmity is based on creed. Muslims must stand together. We must be loyal to the believers and those who believe that there is no God but Allah." (al-Jazeera, 2005) This is why troops in Saudi Arabia are such an important issue to bin Laden: they are stationed in the land of Islam's two holiest sites, Mecca and Medina. A third goal of the Islamists is to create a strict form of Islamic

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethical use of information technology Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical use of information technology - Article Example Federal Intelligence Organization and for shattering the integrity and privacy of the U.S. Air Force website (Chellel 1). In May 2013, they were jailed as these reputable organizations suffered with hefty losses of reputation and money due to these hackers. In jail, Ackroyd was truly guilty and felt extremely embarrassed for what he did and how badly he used his gifted skills (Chellel 1). He decided to correct all his mistakes when he gets out of jail, and use his natural blessing of ability to hack for the goodwill of his nation and people. But, he was still doubtful if life would give him another chance and he would get any opportunity to be a part of the respectable society and study further, ever. Ackroyd’s imprisonment period was shortened to nine months. When he was released out of jail in February, his good intentions helped him and he succeeded in getting admission at Sheffield Hallam for a Masters qualification in the field of Information Systems Security (Chellel 1). It was not late after, when he again got a big chance to prove his skills, but now for a good purpose. His role became active when companies direly demanded ethical hacking, due to flooding in of cyber security. Companies lacked the immediate expertise required to protect their business from drowning in the floods of cyber security. LulzSec’s hacking activities against Pay Pal and Mastercard Inc. were observed at a hype when they rejected WikiLeaks to operate for their payments from their platform. These companies got highly alert when Wikileaks dispatched all military confidential information. LelzSec’s members conducted their activity by recording FBI conversations, uploading all secret info and false claims on YouTube. They became a great threat for the nation. Ackroyd has a heroic role in this act. Server obstacles and hidden patterns were always a thrill for Ackroyd (Chellel 1). With his nature of taking the hidden as a challenge and going deep down, Ackroyd

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human Resource Management in its environment Essay

Human Resource Management in its environment - Essay Example In the Harvard map or Harvard model of HRM, Beer et al argue the need for methods to assess the appropriateness of policies chosen by general managers of companies. Thus when general managers do choose human resource policies, strategies or practices for their organizations they also require proper methods to assess the effectiveness of such policies or strategies implemented. To assess the effectiveness of management policies, the Harvard Map or model as proposed by Beer et al seems to be rather useful. The model by Beer et al has an informal rather than a formal approach to management and brings out analytical description of the determinants and consequences of HRM policies. According to Beer’s Harvard model, the human resource policies within any organization are influenced by situational factors and stakeholder interests. The situational factors in a business environment would be related to management philosophy, business strategy, task technology, labor market conditions as well as legal and societal values and structures. These factors tend to shape yet constrain HRM policies and place limits in such policies although these factors are in turn shaped and influenced by human resource policies. So situational factors such as business strategies and labor conditions influence the HRM policies used or followed by general managers of companies although other factors such as stakeholder interests would be as important in determining the type of policies followed by businesses . Stakeholder interests would be policies that are influenced by or in turn influence stakeholder interests such as interests of the shareholders, governments, communities, management, employees, and investors of the business. According to Beer et al, human resource policies of companies should not only influence stakeholders but also in turn should be influenced by all stakeholder motives, wishes and interests. If human resource policies do not meet the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Simulation Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Simulation Games - Essay Example The blending of content curricular and design simulation technology gives the students risk-free opportunities that test various strategies that drive corporate activities. Our participation in such games gave us a chance of integrating strategic and financial strategies for their virtual businesses (Blazic, Ribeiro & Arh 2012, p. 13).  Serious computer games from a part of the new and emergent educational environment based on sophisticated technologies and elements of entertainment (William & Klass 2007, p. 4). For this case, there is a need to define a serious computer game. A serious game is one whose primary function is to provide education of any type rather than entertainment. The games provoke active learner involvement and as such, they form one of the best learning platforms for the students. There are unique properties of the games that define their relevance to the education system because they attract concentrations that other methods fail to do. This paper is, therefor e, a personal report of the strategies of a game played for group work projects. The paper has eleven parts, which altogether outline the strategies that the game employed and their relevance of the game to real-life situations. After the introduction, the ten remaining parts will proceed in the sequence outlined. Next, there shall be a competitive strategy, external overview analysis, internal summary analysis, the decisions taken, the results, and strategic directions. The remaining parts will discuss the underlying strategic principles, the key learning outcomes and finally, the reflections and conclusion.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bachelor Degree Essay Example for Free

Bachelor Degree Essay The need for competent bedside nurses has drastically increased and so will it continue in the future. The level of basic education that a nurse should have has always been an issue of debate and controversy. The ADN program is shorter and more concise which focuses on the clinical skills and is more tasks oriented. It lacks the theory and science behind nursing as a profession. ADN nurses usually have 2-3 years education and are focused to provide individualized care to their patients based on their diagnosis. The BSN program is a four-year degree, which is knowledge, theory and research based and the emphasis is on the entire picture of the field of nursing. The BSN nurse would use the researching and critical thinking background of her education to care for patients. Many do not realize there is a difference between the two. Both associate degree graduate and baccalaureate degree graduates take the same NCLEX board exam for licensing and enter the same job. Unlike associate-degree nursing programs where the nurses function primarily at the bedside in less complex patient care situations, the BSN program prepares the nurse to practice in all health care settings critical care, outpatient care, public health, and mental health. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has posted a detailed position statement (2000) and fact sheet (2010) on their websites endorsing the position that the minimum entry level requirement for nurses be a BSN degree. The BSN nurse is well-qualified to deliver care in private homes, outpatient centers, and neighborhood clinics where demand is fast expanding as hospitals focus increasingly on acute care and as health care moves beyond the hospital to more primary and preventive services throughout the community. At increasing numbers of hospitals nationwide, baccalaureate-prepared nurses are being utilized in ways that recognize their different educational preparation and competency from associate-degree nurses. In these differentiated practice models, BSN nurses not only provide more complex aspects of daily care and patient education, but also design and coordinate a comprehensive plan of nursing care for the entire length of a patients stay from pre-admission to post-discharge including supervising nurse’s aides and other unlicensed assistive personnel, designing discharge and teaching plans for patients, and collaborating with patients, physicians, family members, and other hospital departments and resource personnel. Evidence shows that nursing education level is a factor in patient safety and quality of care. As cited in the report When Care Becomes a Burden released by the Milbank Memorial Fund in 2001, two separate studies conducted in 1996 – one by the state of New York and one by the state of Texas – clearly show that significantly higher levels of medication errors and procedural violations are committed by nurses prepared at the associate degree and diploma levels as compared with the baccalaureate level. These findings are consistent with findings published in the July/August 2002 issue of Nurse Educator magazine that references studies conducted in Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Ohio and Tennessee that also found that nurses prepared at the associate degree and diploma levels make the majority of practice-related violations. AACN and other authorities believe that education has a strong impact on a nurse’s ability to practice, and that patients deserve the best educated nursing workforce possible. A growing body of research reinforces this belief and shows a connection between baccalaureate education and lower mortality rates. Baccalaureate nursing programs encompass all of the course work taught in associate degree and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management, and the humanities. The additional course work enhances the student’s professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader scope of practice, and provides the nurse with a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic, and social issues that affect patients and influence health care delivery. Throughout the last decade, policymakers and practice leaders have recognized that education makes a difference. (http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/impact-of-education. References http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/impact-of-education. (n. d). The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice . Retrieved May 21, 2013, from http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/impact-of-education.

Christian Iconography Essay Example for Free

Christian Iconography Essay 1. Compare and Contrast: Hosios Loukas, Greece (before 1048) v. San Marco, Venice, Italy (building consecrated 1073; mosaics 12th c.) and the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily (1142/3) Typical Byzantine churches, like all architectural forms, employ relatively standard layouts and similar mosaic programs. Hosios Loukas, preceding both San Marco and Cappella Palatina, is an example of adherence to Byzantine conventions of visual programs and spatial planning. However, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina are departures from such convention. Experiencing greater influence from the West, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina, in their architectural forms and decoration, at once show their Byzantine roots and strides toward westernization. Hosios Loukas, though appearing irregular in its floor plan, is actually two adjoining churches. Built on the space that marks the site of Saint Lucas’ death, the church is an excellent example of Byzantine planning and decoration. With a large central dome, the church can be divided into three main parts: the sanctuary, which is east of the dome; the naos, which is the central portion; and the narthex, or entry porch. Possessing a cross-like plan, the church is for the most part centrally planned. In the narthex, the typical mosaics of the Pantokrator, the Crucifixion and the Anastasis are employed. The apse mosaic, which is at the far end of the sanctuary, depicts the image of Theotokos sitting on a throne with the Christ Child; above the alter and the apse mosaic rests the mosaic of the Pentecost in the domical vault. In the central dome, which houses the Pantokrator, the circle converts to the square through an octagonal form, a feature shared by Cappella Palatina. The squinches created by the octagon depict scenes from Christ’s life. Furthermore, the likenesses of saints decorate the church. Most importantly however, the decoration of the church contains little extraneous detail. San Marco, however, exists as a transition from the traditional Byzantine format to more westernized looks. Still displaying a cruciform floor plan, the basilical form is integrated into the church. The four lateral domes and one central dome imply this focus on symmetry and centrality, while still allowing for the western influence. The naos is elongated, to create greater linearity and the cross arm of the cross-square is actually a transept. Though exhibiting much of the same scenes, those of San Marco have a particularly greater focus on narrative. One can observe such effects in the Anastasis scenes of both churches. In the Anastasis of Hosios Loukas, only five figures appear: Christ, David, Solomon and Adam and Eve; the five figures possess enough detail to identify them and the scene. In the San Marco example, eleven figures are present. The crowded quality enhances the narrative, allowing them to be read as more of a story and less as a symbolic image representing an event. Similarly, the crucifixion scene of Hosios Loukas and San Marco are respectively simplified and elaborate. Cappella Palatina, built by Roger II a Norman, focuses even greater narrative. The church also further employs the basilical form, while displaying forms from all the cultures that influenced it. Baring less architectural resemblance to the Byzantine church, Cappella Palatina’s mosaics, though depicting much of the same scenes as Hosios Loukas and San Marco, are composed in a rather haphazard way. For example, the nativity, which is usually streamlined to the most integral parts, shows multiple scenes in the same mosaic. In fact, some figures, such as the magi, appear more than once. This technique, allows the viewer to trace out the story of the birth of Christ. The eastern apse looks like a traditional Byzantine church, with a Pantokrator and seated Virgin. However to the west, the basilical nave shows the Western Christian influence. Its use of Old Testament imagery references Western precedents—from Genesis to Jacob wrestling the angel. Similarly, while the walls depict the same scenes as Byzantine churches, their format is different. Its use of registers is unseen in Byzantine counterparts. Also, the multiple Pantokrators that appear in the church, while a Byzantine form, are used in a uniquely un-Byzantine way. Lastly, the church ceiling, which is decorated with muqarnas, shows the Islamic influence. The basilical influence in San Marco and Cappella Palatina is unmistakable. Much of the imagery and its hierarchical placement—with the holiest at the top and most earthly at the bottom—is drawn from Byzantine churches. However, the use of Old Testament scenes and the greater focus on narrative are symptoms of the western influence. San Marco and Cappella Palatina are consequences of the time and place. They are at once Churches of the West and parts of an imperial history and religious tradition from the East. As a result, their appearance reflects the Byzantine influence, in its similarities to Hosios Loukas, and their Ravennic and Roman precedents. 2. Compare and Contrast: Pilgrim eulogia ampulla, Crucifixion and Women at the Tomb, pewter, 6th-7th c. v. The Limburg Staurotheca, 968-985 Though created centuries apart and strikingly different in size and style, the pilgrim eulogia ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are similar in many ways. Both are vessels of holy materials and depict Christ and various religious figures. However the ampula represents the more egalitarian form of relic collecting. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, in its materials and relics is one of the most elite forms of collectorship. Both the Pilgrimage ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are composed out of metals. The ampula is made out of pewter, a metal that was readily available at the time and not costly. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, is made out of gold gilt medal, enamels and gems. The difference in materials is indicative of their intended patrons. The ampulla, which predates the Staurotheca, was created for pilgrims that visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The latter, however, was commissioned by an imperial official and was intended to be viewed by elites. Additionally, both possess the ability to be hung. While the ampulla often hung around the neck of a pilgrim, the Staurotheca, which has a hoop at the top, could have been hung in a devotional space or carried during processions. The function—to hold holy objects—also differs due to its intended viewers. Ampullae such as this were often used to hold holy liquids or soil. However, due to the inscription and its iconographic reference to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the True Cross, this pilgrimage ampulla was used to hold the oil from the True Cross. Therefore, in a sense, both of these vessels hold parts of the same relic. However, the portability and reproducibility of the oil, made it better equipped for pilgrim patrons. The Staurotheca, contrastingly, holds seven splinters of the true cross. Arranged in such a way to show the historical form of the true cross, the slivers are held in place by jewels and gold framing. Additionally, the Staurotheca also was a reliquary for various other relics, such as Christ’s purple robe, the hair of John the Baptist, etc. Housed behind the ten different panels with inscriptions describing that which is behind them, the Staurotheca is an interactive reliquary. The viewer is able to open the panels and see the relics. The iconography of the vessels also differs. The ampulla depicts two scenes. The first is the Adoration of Cross. The meaning of the iconography is twofold. It looks like the scene of the Crucifixion, with the other two crucified flanking Christ and with worshipers in attendance. However, the more pertinent interpretation of the imagery, as it relates more directly to the vessel, is the pilgrims visiting and worshiping the True Cross. On the back of the ampulla, the Women at the Tomb is depicted. It also has two significances; it can be read as the Mary’s visiting the tomb of Christ and pilgrim women visiting the tomb of Christ erected within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The iconography, therefore, draws parallels between the events of Christ’s life and the activities of pilgrims. The Staurotheca, on the other hand, is rich in detail yet does not contain any narrative. On the front of the reliquary is Christ enthroned, with Theotokos, John the Baptist and arch angels flanking him. Above and below are three pairs each of the apostles. Surrounding the nine conjoined panels, are portrait busts of saints. Upon opening the lid, the viewer is confronted with the slivers of the True Cross described above. Depictions of angels adorn the interior as well, and flank the inscribed panels behind which rest other important relics. Rather than expressly depict the relics that were encased, the reliquary simply depicted the True Cross and the portraits of angel, all of which were considered to be the image of God himself. Therefore, the ampulla and the Staurotheca differ in their iconography, their function and their materials. All results of the intended viewers and collectors, both the ampulla and Staurotheca represent the Byzantine desire to obtain primary and secondary relics. Representing the power of Christ and God, these vessels’ contents gave their owners assurance of success and salvation. 3. Essay Question Related Directly to Readings: The issue of images in Byzantine art The lineage and use of images in Byzantine art is perhaps on of the more interesting and complicated aspects of Christian iconography. The Christian imagery in Byzantine art, as noted in Heaven on Earth, became intertwined with imperial icons and ceremony. The course of Iconoclasm, however, remains the most controversial historical discourse about Christian images and their appropriate role. The Iconoclasts believed that images were inappropriate in worship and were similar to the worship of idols, which breaks one of the commandments. Iconophiles, on the other hand, venerated images and opposed the Iconoclasts in the destruction of images. Given the volatile opposition of the two, understanding the Christian image in Byzantine art allows one to understand their forms of worship and relation to the holy. Firstly, it should be noted imperial and religious tradition often created a relationship between Christ and the Emperor. Occurring fairly early in the history of Byzantium, the Emperor Justinian was likened to Christ in the apse mosaic in S. Vitale. Adorned with a halo, Justinian stands in the center among twelve soldiers and religious officials. Although, as Treadgold et al. noted in Procopius and the Imperial Panels of S. Vitale, though the artist had not intended on creating the twelve apostles symbolism, as the feet show that some of the heads were added as an after thought, the resulting effect is the same for the contemporaneous viewer. The emperor, the most powerful and godly of men, is likened to Christ. Such an occurrence, while prevalent throughout cultures and history, undoubtedly watered down the holy significance of Christ images in the realm of worship. However, as noted above, the Iconoclast controversy, which lasted from 726 to 843 AD, is most illustrative of the Byzantine treatment of images. Affecting artistic production during the controversy and in its wake, the debate centered on t he appropriateness of images in the Christian context. Iconoclasts, or â€Å"image breakers,† believed that their fellow Christians had become idolaters. Images, perhaps believed to be a source of power by laymen, the Iconoclasts contended, must be restrained. Militaristic failures reaffirmed Iconoclastic believes that they had sinned and incurred the wrath of God. In the Church of Saint Sophia, for example, depictions of saints were replaced by the cross. Similarly, St. Irene sports a cross instead of a human likeness. (The example of the Church of the Dormition in Nicaea seems to show that the Virgin and Child mosaic replaced the Cross, post-Iconoclasm.) Therefore, the Iconoclasts effectively replaced images with the Cross. Contrastingly, the Iconophiles, or â€Å"image lovers,† argued for the preservation and continuation of images, given their long history. As discussed in the Abgar of Edessa identification, the likeness of Christ was venerated in biblical times. Being an ancient tradition, that Christ himself allowed/encouraged, images should be respected. Furthermore, as mentioned in Mango, the Iconophiles argued that God created man in his likeness, and specifically incarnated himself in the human form of Christ, and therefore allows for representation in the human form. Though they were temporarily victorious between bouts of Iconoclasm, the Iconophiles were ultimately successful in securing the role of images in Christianity. After the ideological defeat of the Iconoclasts, the Iconophiles restored much of the Christian imagery that had been washed away. St. Sophia, having had images removed by the iconoclasts, exists as a testament to the great controversy. The St. Sophia apse mosaic is an excellent example of post-iconoclast image restoration. A mosaic of Theotokos and Child was erected with an inscription condemning the Iconoclasts; the inscription is known to refer to them as imposters. Similarly, written and illustrated texts, such as the Khludov Psalter, describe the heresy of the Iconoclasts. It likens them to the Jews. As the Jews killed Christ, the Iconoclasts washed away and killed his image. Furthermore, much of the margin illustrations depict figures holding a medallion image of Christ, as a testament to the devotion to images. The Iconophiles believed that icons and images of the holy and saintly sanctified churches and practiced such post-iconoclasm. Post-iconoclasm, much of the ravages were rectified and restored. Beautifully decorous images adorned churches and texts in the wake of the controversy. The Psalter of Paris, for example, rather naturalistically depicts David composing the Psalms. Personifying the location and muses, the image gives the layman the opportunity to pictographically read the origin of the Psalms. Ultimately, the images not only teach through visuals, but inspire awe. The illuminating mosaics of churches produced miraculous, luminary effects that created a greater sense of the sacred. Consequently, the use of images in Byzantine art is an issue of great complexity. Once deriving influence from the iconography of pagan religions, the Iconoclasm controversy returned to the Christian-pagan associations. The Iconoclasts believed that the worship of images was like that of idols by the pagans. In an attempt to remain in the right with God, they sought to rid Christianity of its idolatrous icons. Though, in accordance with sanctity, egalitarianism and tradition the debate was won by the image lovers, restoring the place of Christian icons.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysing The Malaysian Construction Industry Construction Essay

Analysing The Malaysian Construction Industry Construction Essay Abstract: The Malaysian construction industry is undergoing a transitional change from an industry employing conventional technology to a more systematic and mechanized system. This new system is now known as the Industrialized Building System (IBS). This new method of construction can increase productivity and quality of work through the use of better construction machinery, equipment, materials and extensive pre-project planning. This study becomes very necessary since there is yet no organized body, which can provide the necessary information on the building cost comparison between the conventional system and industrialized building system in Malaysias construction industry. This study also addresses the building cost comparison of the conventional system and industrialized building system of formwork system. It provides the details building cost between the conventional system and the formwork system and indicates which of the two is cheaper. The data were collected through quest ionnaire survey and case study, which consisting of institutional buildings. Through the statistical test t-test it is shown that there is a significant difference in cost saving for the conventional system as compared to the formwork system (industrialized building system) Key words: Conventional, Formwork System, Building Cost, Comparison INTRODUCTION The Malaysian construction industry is undergoing a transitional change from an industry employing conventional technologies to a more systematic and mechanized system employing the latest computer and communication technologies. This is vital for the future health of the industry, given the trend towards global competition and the advent of the k-economy. The Industrialized Building System (IBS) has been introduced in Malaysia since the 60s by the use of precast concrete beam-column elements. Since the demand of building construction has increased rapidly, it is necessary to innovate a construction method, which speeds up the building construction process. Abdullah et ad. [1] has listed the various types of building systems currently available in Malaysia. Few definitions of industrialized building system are also given by various authors [2]. To sum-up, in general, the IBS is a methodology whereby a local construction industry is driven towards the adoption of an integrated and encouraging key players in the construction industry to produce and utilize pre-fabricated and mass production of the building at their work sites. This will help to enhance the efficiency of construction process, allowing a higher productivity, quality, time and cost saving. The construction cost of a building using precast components should be assessed in its overall context. The traditional method of costing by material quantities with a fixed factor for labor cost can lead to incorrect estimation. For example, if labor usage is halved, this will more than compensate for a 10% material increase. More importantly, there is saving in time. Also, if properly designed and executed, precast can lead to much better quality of work. The overall cost impact of precast has therefore to take all these factors into consideration. With the rising costs of labor and less assurance of dependable skilled manpower, the trend is that precast construction will become increasingly competitive compared to cast-in-place construction [3]. Classification of Industrialized Building System Industrialization: The Oxford English Dictionary (1991) defines industrialization as the process of industrializing or fact of being industrialized; also, the conversion of an organization into an industry. However, industrialization in this study means industrial methods employed, referring to especially, prefabrication, mechanization and standardization. The meaning of prefabricated, according to the same dictionary, is, to manufacture, sections of building or similar structure, in a factory or yard prior to their assembly on a site. However, prefabrication in this study is the assembly of buildings or their components at a location other than the building site. The types of construction methods range from a conventional construction method to fully prefabricated construction method. Generally, the construction methods are classified here into four categories: * Conventional construction method * Cast-in-situ * Composite method * Fully pre-fabricated method. Conventional Construction Method: Conventional building method is defined as components of the building that are pre-fabricated on site through the processes or timber or plywood formwork installation, steel reinforcement and cast in-situ. Conventional building are, mostly built of reinforced concrete frames [4]. The traditional construction method uses wooden formwork. It is much more costly for construction, which includes labor, raw material, transportation and low speed of construction time [5]. Cast-in-situ Construction Method: This system is suitable for a country where unskilled labor is limited. There is no heavy machinery or high technology involved. The system is technically applicable to almost all types of building. Formwork is used as a mould, where wet concrete, is poured into a temporary system. The temporary system also acts as a temporary support for the structures. The objective of in-situ method is to eliminate and to reduce the traditional site based trades like traditional timber formwork, brickwork, plastering and to reduce labor content. A carefully planned in-situ work can maximize the productivity, speed and accuracy of prefabricated construction. Cast in-situ method uses lightweight prefabricated formwork made of steel/fiberglass/aluminum that is easily erected and dismantled. The steel reinforcement is placed within the formwork as they are being erected and concrete is poured into the mould. When the concrete is set according to the required strength the mould are dismantled. The workers can be trained easily to erect the moulds and set the steel reinforcement. Its advantages over the traditional construction method are, its low skill requirement, can be quickly constructed, maintenance is low, structure is durable and cost can be less [5]. Composite Construction Method: The objectives of composite construction method (partially prefabricated) are to improve quality, reduce cost and shorten construction time. The concept of partial industrialized is derived from the composite nature of full industrialization and is used to describe a manufacturing or production strategy that selectively uses some industrializing aspects, while avoiding or postponing the use of others. The prefabricated construction method is combined in such a manner the features applied could be prominently demonstrated especially composing various work such as temporary facilities, building frames, building finishes and equipments [5]. Fully Prefabricated Construction Method: In this method of construction, all elements that can be standardized are prefabricated in the factory. Normally, this method would involve the assembly of precast elements such as floor slabs, in filled walls, bathrooms, staircases, etc. into place for incorporation into the main unit, columns and beams. This method of construction has reduced the amount of site labor involved in building operations and increased the productivity of the industry. Precast building systems can reduce the duration of a project if certain conditions are met [6]. The last three construction methods are considered nonconventional construction methods. These types of construction are specifically aimed to increase productivity and quality of work through the use of better construction machinery, equipment, technology and materials. The main important point to consider here is the particular construction method most suitable for a particular project [7]. Method of Cost Comparison in Construction Industry: During the past decade a large number of such studies has been carried out and published. In the existing studies three principal approaches for comparing costs of building projects among countries can be distinguished [8-11]: * Comparison of standardized identical buildings * Comparison of standard buildings with local modifications * Comparison of functionally similar buildings Comparison of Standardized Identical Buildings: With the first method exactly the same buildings work is priced on the basis of the same drawings and specifications. This is possible only in theory, largely as a result of national (or even regional) differences which exist in architecture, standards, availability of products, etc. The building and the costs will be comparable, but they are not necessarily representative. Comparison of Standard Buildings with Local Modifications: Better representivity can be achieved when modifications for local circumstances, like building codes, standards, specification levels, are taken into account. Comparison of Functionally Similar Buildings: With the third approach, typical, functionally similar buildings are compared: this means building types, which are representative. Not only locally divergent circumstances and quality-levels are taken into account, but also various performance and aesthetic criteria, which reflect typical client requirements or tenant expectations for a building in that sector. The buildings and the costs are representative, but not necessarily comparable. Arguably apples are being compared with oranges [12]. A meaningful comparison must take into account all relevant (time-dependant and quantity-dependant) cost components, classified as follows [13]: * Labour; Direct Indirect * Materials * Investment * General expenses (site and plant) * Transportation (for system construction only) * Overhead As for this study the method of cost comparison used is standardised identical buildings and functionally similar buildings while the unit is cost per gross floor area. Research Methodology: Data was collected by using mail questionnaire. To strengthen the finding of the survey and to assist in providing the information about building cost comparison study, a case study was also conducted. However the major approach was using questionnaire, considering such factors on sample size, time, cost and efforts. Questionnaire method was chosen as the appropriate approach for this study. Questionnaire can reach a large number of respondents in different locations of the country at a relatively lower cost, shorter time and less effort as compared to other data collection methods. The questionnaires were sent to the general manager, project manager, technical executive, managing director and project director. The questionnaires were mailed to the respondents, accompanied by a covering letter, self addressed and stamped envelope. The case study was conducted on building cost comparison of 1 unit 4-storey of school building project carried out by Public Works de partment, Malaysia, which uses conventional system and formwork system. Data gathered on building cost of building systems in Malaysia were processed and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows building cost-saving in term of percentage. Forty tow percent of the respondents agreed that conventional construction method are more cost saving, 25% agreed that composite construction method are most cost saving, 21% agreed that formwork system are most cost saving. Last but not least only 12% agreed that prefabricated construction method are most cost saving. The previous study showed clearly the advantages of using formwork system (cast in-situ). These were speed, quality and economics [5]. However, the results of the analysis revealed that the conventional construction method is more cost saving compared to the IBS method. According to the reasons given by the respondents, the conventional system is more cost saving as compared to formwork system was because of better negotiations and chances to get the most competitive tender price appropriate to the developers budget. There is also flexibility in choosing alternative building materials at a lower cost. Therefore, building cost can be reduced. As for the IBS, there are limited to a few manufacturers or specialized contractors. This contributed to the higher cost of building due to higher licensing cost and they tend to be monopolized by the higher price of the building panel or other building components. Formwork System Case Study: The selected industrialized building system case study is based on formwork system. This system is suitable for a country where unskilled labor is limited. There is no heavy machinery or high technology involved. The system is technically applicable to almost all type of buildings. Formwork are used as a mould, where wet concrete, is poured into a temporary system. The temporary system also acts as a temporary support for the structures. This In-situ method is to eliminate and reduce the traditional site based trades like traditional timber formwork, brickwork, plastering and to reduce labor content. Carefully planned in-situ work can maximize the productivity, speed and accuracy of prefabricated construction [5]. The main objective of this case study is to study the cost comparison of school building cost of 1 unit 4-Storey (academic block) project carried out by Public Works Department, Malaysia, which uses conventional/traditional system and formwork sy stem. The conventional and formwork system building cost is based on analysis of the Elemental Cost Analysis (ECA) form. The formwork system is based on the combination of pre-fabrication and in-situ conventional construction, which features the utilization of permanent concrete for elements instead of conventional timber formwork. Building Cost Information: The main objective of this case study is to study the cost comparison of 4-storey school buildings, which used conventional/traditional system and formwork system. The conventional system building and the formwork system cost is based on elemental cost analysis form from the Public Work Department, Malaysia [14]. Cost Comparison: Table 1 shows the mean difference between 1 unit four storey school building of conventional and formwork system for 20 numbers of data. The mean cost of conventional system is RM 432 per square meter whereby the formwork system is RM 544 per square meter. The difference is RM112 per square meter. Although the difference is RM112 per square meter the total of the square meter for 1 unit 4-storey school building is about 2000 square meter. This shows that there is a wide difference between IBS and Conventional. In laymans term the IBS is very expensive. For example, if the government wish to build 20 school building of the same IBS, this means the cost will be very high. Therefore, all efforts must be made to reduce this so as to ensure the future use of IBS method is feasible. The t-test analysis is a statistical analysis to test the difference between two variables. The purpose is to show the significance level of the building cost comparison between 1 unit four storey school buildings using conventional system and formwork system. The present study used a two-tailed test The underlying reason for application of the two-tailed test over onetailed test is to ensure that the result obtained is compatible. If only one-tailed test is used, then the result obtained might not be the same with that of a two-tailed test. If the result shows the difference between conventional and formwork system is not significant then, the study cannot conclude that formwork system is more expensive than conventional system. Perhaps, The formwork system is only expensive for certain numbers of buildings based on 20 numbers of data available. Table 2 shows the result of the t-test conducted using IBS (formwork system) and conventional methods. It has been found that there is a 0.000 (last column) or 100% confidence level. This therefore, confirms that cost of building using formwork system method is expensive compared to the conventional method. The mean difference is RM 112 per square meter shows that formwork system is more expensive compared to conventional system. The highest building cost difference per square meter is RM 149 and the lowest difference is RM 75 per square meter. This analysis, which was carried out was based on Elemental Cost Analysis Form (ECA) from Public Works Department, Malaysia shows 1 unit 4-storey school building cost using conventional system and formwork system. The cost provided uses the same type of contract. With reference to Table 1, the mean cost of conventional system is RM 432 per square meter, where as the formwork system is RM 544 per square meter. The difference is RM 112 per square meter from 20 numbers of data. The results showed that the difference is significant with a 100% confidence levels. Therefore, the conventional cost is cheaper, compared to formwork system. This finding is in coherence with the results already obtained in an earlier survey analysis. CONCLUSION According to the reasons given by the respondents, the conventional system is more cost saving as compared to formwork system (IBS) since it provides better negotiation chances so as to obtain the most competitive tender price appropriate to the developers budget. There is also flexibility in choosing alternative building materials at lower cost. Therefore, building cost can be reduced. As for the IBS, there are limited to a few manufacturers or specialized contractors. This contributes to the higher cost of building since a higher licensing cost is levied on the IBS panel and they tend to be monopolized by the higher price of the building panel or other building components. From the results of the case study, it can be concluded that the conventional construction system is more cost saving as compared to the formwork system (IBS). The case study results are also in coherence with the result from the survey analysis. Most of the organized body in the construction industry thought that the building cost of IBS is more cost saving compared to conventional system. However, the present study proved the results was opposite to what was thought earlier.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

astrology :: essays research papers

Astrology Articles Home Article Menu Register to know more Submit Your Article PLANETARY COMBINATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND HIGH JUDICIAL OFFICERS According to Jataka Parijata (VII - 9) : When full moon in the 9th occupies exaltation, own or friendly house; and Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd and the 10th, a ruler of the earth is born. Further, Jataka Parijata (VII - 44) says : If Saturn and Mars be in the 10th, 5th or 1st house and full Moon be in a sign owned by Jupiter, the person born will be a king. Jupiter Jupiter holds supremacy over all other planets as the preceptor of the gods. He represents the throne, treasure, royal honour, intellect, brilliancy, moving in village, travelling in a vehicle bordered on four sides (Uttarakalamrita, V- 38-41); legal affairs, diplomacy, power of discussion, respect and reputation, guardianship, wisdom, minister also knowledge and dignity. Jupiter is the giver of health, wealth and progeny. His aspect and association are said to be extremely beneficial. All of these qualities of Jupiter have close identity with the status and duties of an administrative officer. He holds high supreme position in the government. He stands strong like other planets in his own, exaltation, friendly house and Moolatrikona Rasi. He assumes power in Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius and also in his debilitation sign. He is auspicious in the rising sign, in the 4th as well as th 10th from Lagna and gives much wealth. He gets Digbala in Lagna; and thus gets strong, aspecting the 5th, 7th and the 9th with full aspect. He is auspicious in his oblique aspect (Jataka Parijata II - 31). Jupiter's aspect over any planet as a natural benefic is of weighty importance apart from the fact that he may be temporarily ill-placed. The opposition aspect with the Moon is extremely good. Jupiter in conjuction with Mars makes the native loving, revered, wealthy and acquainted with the science of computation (Jataka Parijata VIII - 4). If the combination happens to be in the 10th house, it makes one a judge or magistrate. In relationship with Saturn, both being philosophical planets, Jupiter tends to give philosophical views or an ability for impartial assessment of things. Thus, Jupiter in strength and especially, having to do anything with the 6th or the 11th, promises strong indications for an administrative job under the government. Appendix A IAS Officers Sl.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The League Of Nations And Its Impact On World Peace Essay examples --

Through my studies and research I have come to the following conclusion about the League of Nations: despite all of President Woodrow Wilson's efforts, the League was doomed to fail. I feel this was so for many reasons, some of which I hope to convey in the following report. From the day when Congress voted on the Fourteen Points, it was obvious that the League had a very slim chance of being passed in Congress, and without all of the World powers, the League had little chance of surviving. On November 11, 1918 an armistice was declared in Europe. Wilson saw the opportunity to form an international organization of peace to be formed. He acted quickly. On January 18, 1919 he released his fourteen points. The Fourteen Points consisted of many things, but the most important was the fourteenth-the establishment of a league of nations to settle international disputes and to keep the peace. After congress had voted, only three of Wilson's fourteen points were accepted without compromise. Six of the others were rejected all together. Fortunately the League was compromised. Wilson then went to Europe to discuss the Treaty of Versailles. Representatives from Italy, France, and Britain didn't want to work with the nations they had defeated. They wanted to hurt them. After much fighting and negotiating, Wilson managed to convince them that a league of nations was not only feasible, it was necessary. The Senate supported most of the Treaty of Versailles but not the League. They thought it would make the U.S.A. too involved in foreign affairs. Wilson saw that the League may not make it through Congress, so he went on the road and gave speeches to sway the public opinion. Unfortunately, Wilson's health, which was already depleted from the negotiations in France, continued to recede. Wilson's battle with his health reached its climax when Wilson had a stroke on his train between speeches. After Wison's stroke, support of the League weakened, both in Congress and in the public's opinion. In 1920 G. Harding, who opposed the League, was elected as president. The League formed but the U.S. never joined. The first meeting of the League was held in Geneva, Switzerland on November 15, 1920 with fourty two nations represented. During twenty-six years the League lived, a total of sixty-three nations were represented at one time or ano... effect its own dissolution, whereupon much of its property and organization were transferred to the United Nations which had resently been founded. Never truly effective as a peace keeping organization, the lasting importance of the League of Nations lies in the fact that it provided the groundwork for the United Nations. This international alliance, formed after World War 2, not only profited by the mistakes of the League but borrowed much of the organizational machinics of the League of Nations. The League of Nations and its impact on world peace John James Mrs. Hippe History March 7, 1996 Bibliography: Mothner, Ira. Woodrow Wilson, Champion of Peace. New York Watts Inc., 1969 Mason, Lorna; Garcia, Jesus; Powell, Frances; Risinger, Fredrick. America's Past and Promise. Boston McDougal Littell, 1995 Albright, Madeleine. "America and the League of Nations, Lessons for Today" Speech United States Department of State 1994 McNally, Rand. Atlas of World History. New York Reed International Books Limited, 1992 Microsoft. "The League of Nations." Excarta 95. 1995

The Odd Man Out :: essays research papers

The Odd Man Out Fifth Business, by Robertson Davies is a great piece of literature. Though the story was not always interesting to me, it is apparent that the author is talented. The story begins in 1908 in a small fictional Canadian village called Deptford. I think this village is very important to the story. The author describes everything one could possibly need to picture Deptford in his mind. This helped a lot in showing what the main character’s childhood was like. Later in his life, the main character traveled a lot, so many other places were described. I don’t think these places are as important as Deptford. It seems that the author thought this also, for he didn’t use as many details to describe these places as he did with the village. The main character is Dunstable Ramsey, Dunny for short. He is a very real character to me. The whole book is a letter that the old Dunny is writing to someone about his life. The way the author writes as Dunny is great. I can picture an old man sitting at a desk writing the letter. For parts of the story that have lots of detail, I imagine that the old Dunny remembers these parts of his life because they were important to him. For the parts he is vague about, Dunny writes that he would write more if he remembered more clearly. I think those are the times in his life that were not very important to him. A character that stands out a lot for me is Dunny’s mother. She seemed like a very kind and strong woman at the beginning of the story. She kept their neighbors preborn baby alive when the town doctor said he would die. She was committed to that baby with all her heart. Another time, Dunny took an egg from his house so he could try to learn magic tricks with it. His mother noticed it was missing, and when he would not say why he took it, she flipped out. She beat him to pieces with a whip for an hour, screaming the whole time. In my mind she went from being a kind woman to an hysterical fool of a mother. She seems as though she could not be related to this old man reflecting on his life. I think the author is showing how different children can be from their parents. The Odd Man Out :: essays research papers The Odd Man Out Fifth Business, by Robertson Davies is a great piece of literature. Though the story was not always interesting to me, it is apparent that the author is talented. The story begins in 1908 in a small fictional Canadian village called Deptford. I think this village is very important to the story. The author describes everything one could possibly need to picture Deptford in his mind. This helped a lot in showing what the main character’s childhood was like. Later in his life, the main character traveled a lot, so many other places were described. I don’t think these places are as important as Deptford. It seems that the author thought this also, for he didn’t use as many details to describe these places as he did with the village. The main character is Dunstable Ramsey, Dunny for short. He is a very real character to me. The whole book is a letter that the old Dunny is writing to someone about his life. The way the author writes as Dunny is great. I can picture an old man sitting at a desk writing the letter. For parts of the story that have lots of detail, I imagine that the old Dunny remembers these parts of his life because they were important to him. For the parts he is vague about, Dunny writes that he would write more if he remembered more clearly. I think those are the times in his life that were not very important to him. A character that stands out a lot for me is Dunny’s mother. She seemed like a very kind and strong woman at the beginning of the story. She kept their neighbors preborn baby alive when the town doctor said he would die. She was committed to that baby with all her heart. Another time, Dunny took an egg from his house so he could try to learn magic tricks with it. His mother noticed it was missing, and when he would not say why he took it, she flipped out. She beat him to pieces with a whip for an hour, screaming the whole time. In my mind she went from being a kind woman to an hysterical fool of a mother. She seems as though she could not be related to this old man reflecting on his life. I think the author is showing how different children can be from their parents.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why Was Slavery Abolished in 1807/1833?

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade which began in the early 16th century, gained ground in the following three centuries and was eventually abolished in the 1800s. By the late 18th century, the British population began to find the slave trade both morally and financially disagreeable. The four main factors which contributed to the abolition of the slave trade were the campaigns of the white middle class, the mass support from the white working class, the protestations by the black slaves and the economic impracticality of the trade. The abolition was successful mainly due to the effort of the middle class, which surged ahead in its demands for the freedom of the African slaves and was amply backed by the other three factors. _____________ One could argue that the white middle class campaigners were the prime influence in the abolition of the slave trade, as they initiated and persisted with the anti-slavery movement. The campaigners ranged from uneducated yet enlightened people like Granville Sharp, through Methodist clerics like George Fox, to established politicians like William Wilberforce. They were appalled at the inhuman treatment meted out to the African slaves and took it upon themselves to fight for their freedom. This contributed greatly to the final abolition of the trade. George Fox, the pioneer of the movement, founded a group called the ‘Quakers’, which comprised of evangelical white campaigners who believed in the Christian values of equality in the eyes of God. In 1783, they sent their first petition to the Parliament in which they wrote ‘that a nation professing the Christian Faith, should so far counteract the principles of humanity and justice as by a cruel treatment of this oppressed race, to fill their minds with prejudices against the mild and beneficent doctrines of the Gospel’; aiming this argument towards the religious members of Parliament. A similar petition was sent to Parliament two years later. Their speeches, essays and letters conveyed that their ‘fellow-creatures’ who were held in ‘cruel bondage’ were ‘entitled to the natural rights of mankind’, thereby appealing to the moral passions of both the Parliament and the public. While the written word was used to persuade the Parliament to pass the bill, the spoken word was used to raise awareness and convince the masses to join the cause. Granville Sharp, a prominent abolitionist, was an apprentice to a Quaker linen draper until he quit after learning about the treatment of black slaves. He took up the case of a slave, Jonathan Strong, in 1765. Strong ran away after being brutally beaten by his owner. Sharp was moved by Strong’s condition and took the case to court where justice was served to Strong after three years. After the case gained publicity, Sharp became more involved in the abolition of the slave trade. William Wilberforce, a member of the House of Commons and a famous abolitionist also played an important role in the campaign as he gave the blacks and the public a voice in the Parliament. He personally knew William Pitt, the prime minister, and therefore had a lot of influence in the Parliament, which helped him gain support for the campaign. In addition to the abolitionists, white working and middle class women involved themselves in the movement. Names of Mary Birkett, Hannah More, the writer of the ‘Sorrows of Yamba’ and Mary Wollstonecraft are worthy of mention. The cause of the slaves gave women the opportunity to stand up for something they believed strongly in. They, along with the men, boycotted slave-grown products like sugar, rum and cotton. That they contributed considerably to this movement is borne out by the fact that 10% of the subscriptions to the Abolition Society were women. Art and literature also played an important part in the success of the white middle class campaigns. The middle class’ targeted the educated and the Parliament through art and literature. They argued that poets such as Wordsworth and Coleridge also wrote about slavery in their works. The abolitionists cited poems like William Cowper’s ‘The Negro’s Complaint’ to convince the Parliament that if ‘enlightened’ romantics like Cowper and Wordsworth found the slave trade unacceptable, they ought to be taken seriously. Josiah Wedgewood, a potter by profession, created the Wedgwood medallion. From 1787 until his death in 1795, Wedgwood actively participated in the abolition of slavery cause. His ‘slave medallion’ with the inscriptions Am I Not a Man and a Brother, showing a black man in a supplicatory pose attracted the public’s attention. It soon became an identity of the campaign and was seen everywhere, on ornaments, tobacco pipes and hair pins. The white middle class campaigners tried to appeal to as many sections of society as possible. Their Christian teachings attracted the evangelicals; they gained mass support from the working class with their speeches and introduced the movement to the upper class and Parliament with petitions. They focused on raising awareness and their emotional arguments convinced the public to espouse the cause of the slaves. _________________ Another factor that greatly affected the abolition of the slave trade was the support of the white working class. Their support was gained through the influence of the white middle class campaigners. The working class took action by signing petitions which were sent to the Parliament. In 1788, over one hundred petitions defending African slaves were presented to the House of Commons in the span of three months. The sheer number of people who had signed these put the Parliament under pressure to comply and deliver to the masses what they wanted, for fear of revolts and rebellions. The British regime had to manage rebellions in the slave colonies of Barbados, Haiti, Cuba, America and such like and could not afford their own people revolting. The working class used mass support a means of forcing the Parliament to agree to their proposition to abolish slavery. In Manchester in 1778, 10,000 people signed a petition to the Parliament and one year later, an additional 10 thousand people signed yet another petition. In 1792, 592 letters and proposals were sent to the Government, once again urging them to take proactive measures. _______________ Because of the vital role the African slaves played in the struggle for their freedom, it could be said that their influence was most crucial to the abolition of the slave trade. Their discontentment and rebellions pushed the Parliament to consider abolition of this trade. They resisted capture and imprisonment and black mutinies, such as the infamous mutiny on the ship Amistad which carried black slaves, were not an uncommon occurrence. Many pregnant slaves preferred abortion to giving birth to a chattel slave. Very few people in Britain knew about the maltreatment of slaves until some slaves like Olaudah Equiano bought their freedom and spoke of their wretched lives in the colonies. Equiano wrote an autobiography titled ‘The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African’ in which he exposed the atrocities perpetrated on slaves, including the mass killing on the slave ship Zong. The impression he made on the British populace inspired many other black slaves to revolt and buy their freedom. Toussaint Louverture, another slave, rebelled against authorities by leading the Haitian Revolutions which put a lot of pressure on the Parliament which feared a chain reaction of similar events. The Parliament could not, however, take action because they had not yet taken a legal stance on the trade. No laws or bills had been passed to legalise the slave trade, nor had any been proposed to abolish it. The Parliament had to make a decision, which they did in 1807, and their choice to abolish the slave trade was influenced greatly by the riots and rebellions of the African slaves. _________________ In addition to reasons cited above, the economic impracticality of continuing with the slave trade contributed to its abolition, although it was relatively less important. With America becoming independent in 1776, it was no longer obliged to trade with British sugar colonies such as Barbados and Jamaica, and instead traded with the French and the Dutch. The import of sugar in Britain also decreased dramatically and was replaced by cotton, causing the textile industry during Industrial Revolution to flourish. The Industrial revolution which began in 1750 and picked up pace by the early 1800s relied on the growth of technology, therefore making manual labour redundant. These economic reasons finally gave everyone a reason to abolish the slave trade and therefore, in 1807 the first bill against slavery was passed. ________________ Of the four factors that spurred the Parliament to abolish slavery, the campaigns made by the white middle class were most important. The revolution was sparked off by the campaigners’ efforts to raise awareness of the condition of the slaves. Although the slave expressed their discontentment through revolts, they did not ruffle the feathers of the Parliament. It was not until the middle class protested against the practice that the Parliament considered abolition of the slave trade. It was the middle class’ campaigning that not only emboldened the black slaves to step up the intensity of their protests, but also swept up the support and empathy of the working class for the cause. The middle class, headed by Wilberforce, also submitted petitions to the Parliament, making them aware of the demands of the public. The middle class campaigning, however, could not have achieved what they did without the support of the masses and the persistence f the black slaves. The fact that the slave trade was not economically viable too was important and finally gave the Parliament a reason to abolish the slave trade. The Parliament had little to lose and could also support a movement that sweeping the nation and therefore, the economic factors created a big change in the Parliament’s final decision to abolish slavery, but had the white middl e class campaigners not initiated the movement, slavery may have taken a considerably long time to be eridicated and this abhorrent practice may have still been alive today. The efforts of the white middle class campaigners, the empathy of the white working class, the perseverant struggles of the African slaves and the realization by the Parliament of the economic futility of continuing with the slave trade bore fruit and the abolition act of 1833 was passed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Exaggerated Global Warming Essay

spheric heating system is orbwidely experienced climaticalal phenomenon moreover the question is, is it tangiblely that secure? orbicular warm has been a study issue as a effect of industrialization as hygienic as human progress since the past a couple of(prenominal) decades. The cry to bring spherical thaw to an end has been carried on by clannish in add-on to international organizations since the curtain raising was stolon put forward. world(prenominal) change occurs as a issuance of annihilative figures that banishly affect the climate. There ar legion(predicate) sources that give details close the excites and effectuate of globose warm up.Each and both living organism has been negatively touched by the current planetary heating plant. This publisher depart evaluate various sources in order to demonstrate the risk of exposures of global change. universe Gupta asserts that global calefacient is primarily a change in the climatic conditions of the ball (p, 4). These climatic conditions differ as a ch course of various reasons both intrinsic and external. Changes to climatic conditions and thus global melt derriere occur as a prove of graphic, for example volcanic emissions and solar operation, or man-made circumstances, such as deforestation.The issue concerning global melt in the coupled States has in the past a couple of(prenominal) years generated heated debates in the governmental argonna. The former U. S. Vice President, Al Gore, an anti-global melting crusader, through the U. S. National Assessment of planetary warm as pointed out by Harmon, convinced a lot of tidy sum that global warm up manifest an lucid and current danger to the coupled States (p, 29). However, Al Gores report was termed as a misrepresentation acquireing that it portrayed tip over scientific deceit for the purpose of policy-making agenda (Johnston para, 7).Many people, fit to Johnston, claim that Al Gore failed the mov ement for climatic change and that his negligence replyed in an unreplaceable harm to the climate (para, 8). All in all Al Gore notes that global melting is an overwhelming danger soon facing the United States and the world at large. Gore asserts that left un declareled, global heating will tremendously affect the succeeding(a) of humankind (Harmon p, 36). Exaggerated Global change Global thawing occurs as a provide of a combination of numerous operators.The solar variation surmisal, according to DSilva, states that the f way weathers vitality has been increasing day by day over the past lx or so years (para, 1). This theory states that the sun may now be acting as a study cause of global warming. Studies, as illustrated by DSilva, extradite revealed that the list of sunspots in a particular ara straight affects the amount of time taken by the nearby mankind to cool (para, 1). The sun acts as the main source of energy to the earth. The earth takes in a genuinely large percent of the earths solar flax.As a result of this flax, the earth, land, and oceans atmospheric temperatures add drastically (Sinha p, 89). Orbital forcing, as Sinha states, is the early(a) situationor believed to be a natural cause of global warming (p, 90). The easy tilting of the axis of the earth is alike believed to stir some negative set up on the climate. This tilting causes the sun to be positioned at dissimilar angles than normal, thereby causing it to hit the icebergs. The virtually significant cause of global warming is the honey oil hearth effect (Sinha p, 91). unripe nominate effect is the annex in earths surface temperature as a result of infrared radiation from the atmosphere. Green house effect has led to an in crease in the atmospheric temperature by about 24%. affix in one C dioxide is the main factor that results in babys room effect (Gupta p, 8). Methane is the other gasoline that is linked to global warming. The other factor that may melt down to global warming is solar variations these are the changes that occur in the quantity of radiant energy emitted by the sun. Rapid industrialization is the other factor, in addition to natural causes, that result in an annex in global warming presently.Global warming is believed to have first been experienced about 8,000 years past with the start of agriculture (Maslin p, 40). Forests were cleared, a factor that sum upd the amount of light speed dioxide in the atmosphere. Industrialization is believed to change magnitude the release of gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, which lead to global warming to the atmosphere. Forests are cleared in order to launch industries. Cutting down of trees results in an increase in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere as trees contain a really high quantity of carbon. hot of fuel fossils is the other humankind activity that increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the straining and, thus an increase in global warming. Over the past dickens decades the take of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that results in global warming has increased by about 80% (DSilva para, 5). Although global warming is believed to cause numerous negative environmental effects, it is hard to link particular(prenominal) conditions to global warming. It is also hard to distinguish whether the link between the global warming and the tremendous global effects attributed to it are true.The former vice chairman of the United States, Al Gore, was highly criticized for publishing maneuver that many claimed over exaggerated the effects of global warming for political gains (Harmon p, 41). However, the effects of global warming are insecure and real. The two major effects of global warming are increase in the atmospheric temperature by approximately 3 to 5 C, and the rising of sea level by about 25 meters (Roleff p, 54). Increase in global temperatures result in a wide range of changes including rise in sea levels as a result of thermal expansion of the ocean, on with melting of the land ice.The numbers as good as the patterns of climatic phenomenon predictions are changing at a very high rate as a result of global warming (Maslin p, 45). The make out power of hurricanes has increased as a result of global warming this is payable to the increase in their average potency and duration. Extreme changes in temperature and patterns of prediction increase the frequency, duration, and magnitude of other climatic events such as floods, tornadoes, heat waves as intumesce as draughts (Roleff p, 68). Hurricanes as well as other storms are in all likelihood to become more than(prenominal) and more fervent if the current rate of global warming is not checked (Gupta p, 16).Global warming leads to a drastic decrement in agricultural production. It also leads to glacial retreat, lesser summer passageway flows, and extinction of genuine species. Some species are moving from regions experiencing ominous eff ects of global warming to precooled regions. This if left unchecked will result in tremendous changes in the ecosystems. Global warming is also believed to cause diseases, which had been eradicated in certain places, to return with severe consequences (Schneider p, 57). On average, precipitation has increased across the world.Schneider notes that the amount of fresh water drastically reduces with increase in global warming (p, 75). This leaves a lot of people as well as animals which rely on it for drinkable water and power production without a source. Scientists predict that heat waves, hot extremes in addition to heavy precipitation will become a common phenomenon (Roleff p, 51). Scientists point that the sea will become more acidic as a result of taking up more carbon dioxide (Schneider p, 79). Global warming, as asserted by Kriengsak, causes devastating economic effects to the U.S. as well as the whole world (para, 1). Kriengsak argues that tornadoes and hurricanes in additio n to other storms result in bullions of dollars in damage, disease and control of conflicts that may arise (para, 4). Global warming, according to Roleff, is also believed to be the major cause of extreme cold weather that has late afflicted the eastern and southern regions of the United States (p, 87). This is believed to be as a result of movement of cold polar air pot to the southern regions. Global warming is also attributed to heavy snow falls.This is out-of-pocket to the fact that higher temperatures results in more evaporation of water in addition to higher humidity content in the atmosphere, and therefore to heavier snows incase the warm, humid air comes across cold air masses moving to the southern regions from the polar regions. The real exaggeration of global warming as a result of man-made related to factors must be somehow great than a factor of two, due to the fact that most of the rise in atmospheric temperature occurred before 1940, but carbon dioxide in additio n to other green house gases entered the atmosphere after 1940 (Maslin p, 65).This may lead to a conclusion that the effect of green house can only be accountable for only a a couple of(prenominal) proportions of the observed rise in temperature. exaggeration of global warming for the last a few(prenominal) years, as argued by Maslin, is important as it acts as a resource of the forecasts of a devastating global warming in the next century (p, 112). Conclusion It can therefore be concluded that global warming, which is primarily a change in the climatic conditions of the earth, is a real danger to not only the united states, but also to the rest of the world.Private as well as international organizations have been in the forefront in the difference against global warming. The former vice president of the U. S, Al Gore, though was highly criticized, all the way illustrated the effects of global warming to humankind. The two major effects of global warming are increase in the atmo spheric temperature by approximately 3 to 5 C, and the rise of sea level by about 25 meters. Global warming has also resulted in an increase in the total power of hurricanes due to the increase in their average intensity and duration. Global warming leads to a drastic reduction in agricultural production.Global warming causes devastating economic effects to the U. S. as well as the whole world. It also leads to glacial retreat, lesser summer street flows, and extinction of certain species. Work Cited DSilva, Roy. What Causes Global Warming? N. d. viewed on may 4, 2010 from http//www. buzzle. com/articles/what-causes-global-warming. hypertext markup language Gupta, KR. Global Warming, ISBN 8126908815 Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2008 Johnston, Robert. Falsehoods in Gores An Inconvenient Truth, 2006 viewed on May 4, 2010 from http//www. johnstonsarchive. net/environment/gore. html Kriengsak, Global Warming The Economic hazard Factor, n.d. viewed on May 4, 2010 from http//blog . nationmultimedia. com/print. php? id=1693 Maslin, Mark. Global Warming Causes, Effects, and the Future, ISBN0760329656 Voyageur Press, 2007 Roleff, Tamara. Barbour, Scott. and Swisher, Karin. Global warming opposing viewpoints, ISBN 1565105125 Greenhaven Press, 1997 Schneider, Stephen. Global warming are we entering the greenhouse century? ISBN 0718828151 James Clarke & Co. , 1990 Sinha, PC. Global Warming, ISBN 817488954X Anmol Publications PVT. LTD. , 1998 Harmon, Daniel. Al Gore and Global Warming, ISBN 1404217614 The Rosen Publishing Group, 2008